RCSG Case Study

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RCSG Helps to Improve Life Saving Ignition Interlock Law

Sometimes measures that get signed into law need to be revised and updated to reflect current realities. This was the case in working with our client, Safety and Advocacy for Empowerment or SAFE and their coalition partner, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to update a previous law RCSG helped to pass to address drunk driving.

In 2019, RCSG coordinated efforts by SAFE and MADD, to engage the Legislature and Executive Branch to negotiate and pass a lifesaving, all-offender ignition interlock law that was established as a five-year pilot program. Ignition interlocks prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver is intoxicated.  Interlocks have emerged as a more effective block to drunk driving while allowing individuals convicted of DUI to maintain access to their car and employment.

The issue that arose was the ignition interlock pilot program began during the early stages of the COVID- 19 pandemic which impeded its implementation and the pilot program.  The COVID pandemic utilized most of the time allotted to the pilot program without adequate usage to gauge effectiveness. 

RCSG worked to successfully pass an updated law that extended the pilot program by an additional 5 years and provided additional policy enhancement such as credits for offenders who chose to self-install an ignition interlock right away and greater flexibility to the courts in implementing the law.   

S3011/A4800 was signed into law by Governor Murphy in December 2023.